Top quality 100% gluten-free cuisine

naše restavracije
Prijetno pomladansko vreme privabi številne obiskovalce Ljubljane na sprehod ob Ljubljanici vse do lepo prenovljene Eipprove ulice v Trnovem, kjer se radi ustavijo v Deželi okusov in preizkusijo kulinarične dobrote.
V Deželi okusov namreč nikogar ne pustimo ravnodušnega.

Leta 2018 so v prvem nadstropju hiše uredili lično opremljene sobe za goste vseh starostnih skupin in cenovnih zmožnosti in leto kasneje v ponudbo dodali še družinski apartma.
Jedilni list
Bogata ponudba restavracije Dežela okusov ponuja različne predjedi, juhe, njoke, testenine in rižote ter hišne specialitete kot so krača jagenjčka, »Ribeye« steak, rebrca »Baby ribs« s krompirčkom, Deželni »Flank« Black Angus, Florentinec suhozorjen 45 dni s kostjo, svinjska lička na krompirjevem pireju z jurčkovo omako, Egipčanski Tauk – Shawerma, razne ribje jedi, solate in brezmesne glavne jedi.

A hidden gem in Ljubljana. What a great GF restaurant. We stumbled across this restaurant and ended up eating here both nights of our stay in Ljubljana. The first night we had the baby back ribs which seems to be there most popular dish (followed by the steak) and the mushroom risotto. I have never liked ribs as they are usually smothered in a sticky, sweet sauce. But these were absolutely amazing, smoky, tender, heaps of meat and so much of it too. The risotto was beautiful too. The next night we tried the carpaccio and the Egyptian salad and their home made bread rolls. Again, beautiful meals and very big. The waiter was lovely and quite shy, but he did explain the meals to us and we had wonderful service. We sat outside and it was busy both nights with people being turned away or waiting. The prices were really reasonable as well and they had a good selection of drinks. It is just outside the Old Town, near the river and there are bars close by.
Finally decided to visit a newly renovated restaurant Dežela Okusov which now serve explicitly gluten-free food & was absolutely thrilled about it. It’s located close to the heart of the old town Ljubljana, in a chilled and beautiful spot, so the ambience really adds up to the whole experience of the carefully picked dishes that really stand up to the restaurants name – Dežela Okusov, which thranslates to the Land of Taste. At first glance I haven’t even noticed that the menu was completely gluten free because it consist of a wide variety food groups, it’s not lacking anything! I picked the smoked trout with pea puree which was super delicious, trout was packed with flavour, my mouth is watering even as Im writting this. To be honest, I have never before tried pea puree – but its what sold the dish to me. For the dessert I had a lemon tart with currant & an almond crust which was an absolute killer, so refreshing and light, a winner for a hot sunny day. I must admit I had a hard time picking the dishes since everything stood out to me, I’ll be coming back, not even a doubt, a bow to the chef! And if you ever wander around town just dont miss out on this! Highly recommend it.
Delicious food!! Simply amazing! It is my favourite restaurant in Ljubljana. All dishes have very balanced taste. In addition, everything is gluten free. The services is also excellent. Definitely a must-visit restaurant.
This place is great! Everything is gluten-free – so much choice for a gluten-free person! The staff was friendly and spoke English. We ate there 3 times, and on all occasions, the food was great, fresh and the portions were pretty big, so most of the time we didn’t have dessert as we were too full. We had chicken FIT, gnocchi with guinea fowl, fried chicken, Egyptian chicken with rice, chicken salad, trout, chocolate souffle and the local white cheese/potato struklji. Prices were good too, and not having to worry about the cross-contamination was really nice, made the whole experience relaxing.
Great restaurant offering whole gluten free meals, making it safe for coeliacs. The food tastes amazing and the portions are big, you will not be disappointed. We recommend trying the pork ribs and the Slovenian trout, but I also tried the rice pasta dishes and they were very good and flavoured. Staff was super friendly and prices were good for the quality/quantity. Not far from the city center and in a very nice area with pubs. Totally recommended.
visited this place many times and I will come back, for sure! Great, tasty food, very nice and professional staff, fast service even when the restaurant is full! When you compare prices with other restaurants in the city centre, you are convinced, you came to the right place. They added pizzas to their menu but, this are not ordinary pizzas! This are great, gourmet pizzas for all real pizza lovers! I will stop now so you don’t think I am an insider 😉 I just love the place!
Definitely recommend this restaurant to anyone looking for tasty gluten free food. Super comfortable atmosphere, really knowledgeable staff who speak English no problem. Really really enjoyed our supper here. Next time I’m in Ljubljana, I’m definitely going to try out the hotel here so I can get gluten free breakfast!